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PRP In Cincinnati

Platelet Rich Plasma in Cincinnati to relieve pain.

How Can PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Help Pain?

Platelet therapy, or platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, is a revolutionary new treatment that relieves pain by promoting long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions using the healing power of your own body. This  technique is showing success with knee pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, chronic plantar fascitis, and many other areas. Dr. Magdalena Kerschner is the first in the Cincinnati Florida area to use this revolutionary technique and deliver PRP to patients in the Cincinnati area.

All About PRP In Cincinnati, Florida

Platelet-Rich plasma Therapy can help injured tendons, ligaments and other musculoskeletal problems. It uses parts of your own blood to reduce pain and speed up healing.

Your “whole blood” is primarily liquid (plasma) containing solid particles like red cells, white cells and the smaller platelets. During a PRP procedure a syringe of your whole blood is obtained from your vein and is then placed in a centrifuge for two cycles to separate the layer of the plasma that contains a high concentration of platelets (shown in video).

The desirable growth factors and other cytokines (cell signaling molecules) useful in healing are associated with platelets. After this platelet rich layer of your own plasma has been isolated it can be injected back into your body to target an area of tissue damage in muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints.

Results From Victory Wellness With PRP In Cincinnati Are Truly Extrordinary!

Book Today By Calling 513-936-3065

Book PRP In Cincinnati By Calling – 513-936-3065